

克莱尔·克劳福德 '27 (she/her)

家乡: 西雅图,华盛顿州

大/小: Government and Legal Studies & 历史

买球平台活动: 俱乐部极限飞盘, writer for the Bowdoin Review, WBOR(学生电台), and working at the Arctic Museum, 导游

为什么买球平台? Bowdoin stood out to me during my college application process as an institution that prioritizes teaching in a meaningful way. What I heard and what has held true during my time at Bowdoin is that professors here prioritize the quality of their teaching and are very interested in getting to know their students. 也, I have been so impressed by the strong sense of community at Bowdoin and all the amazing people I have met here!


franceska-drejaj headshot

Franceska Drejaj '27 (she/her)

家乡: 布鲁斯特,纽约

大/小: Education and Government and Legal Studies/English

买球平台活动: 模拟试验, 模拟联合国, Quizbowl, QuestBridge Scholars Network, Catholic Students Union, Korean Students Association, 唱诗班 & 无伴奏合唱,剧院

为什么买球平台? I truly believe that no other institution prioritizes the success of its students like Bowdoin. The combination of abundant resources and the comfort within community to use those resources is exactly what makes Bowdoin so special to me and why I chose to attend.

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A photograph of student Camila Eljuri

Camila Eljuri '27 (she/her)

家乡: Cuena、厄瓜多尔 

大/小: Prospective Government Major

买球平台活动: 2027 class president, 模拟联合国, crew team, Peucinian Society, library assistant

为什么买球平台? Having not visited any of the colleges on my list, I chose Bowdoin on a gut feeling. I liked many things about this place: the small class sizes, the adventures of the Outing Club, the intellectual passion, and the welcoming and renowned faculty, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what made it so homey. 一年后, I realized it mainly came down to shared values: the common good, 的多方面的, 有责任心的. I wanted to get an education not only for myself but for those in my community as well. Bowdoin's founding principle of the Common Good is precisely that, and I've found that this place has provided me with the resources to seek it.


A photograph of student Alex Gouthro

Alex Gouthro '26 (he/him)

家乡: 阿宾顿,马

大/小: 数学,音乐

买球平台活动: Bowdoin Symphony Orchestra, 导游, Student 招生 Volunteer Organization, 性, 女性, 性别中心

为什么买球平台? As a first-generation student from a small town, I wanted to come to a school that had a strong sense of community that would also allow me to explore many different academic opportunities, coming in completely undecided on my major. The moment I stepped foot on Bowdoin's campus, I instantly felt a strong sense of a diverse community in which anyone could fit in, and Bowdoin's flexible distribution areas as opposed to required classes sealed the deal for me.


Anya Juneja爆头

Anya Juneja (they/them)

家乡: 纽约,纽约

大/小: Prospective Psychology major, pre-med track

买球平台活动: Bear Tones A Capella Group, Masque and Gown Student Theater Group, 定量的导师, 摇摆舞, 熊的伙伴

为什么买球平台? Bowdoin students always talk about the kindness of the Bowdoin community, and it really is true. I met a Bowdoin student on a flight the summer before my first year at Bowdoin, and she made such an effort to befriend me as I transitioned to college and we have remained close to this day. She really shows how Bowdoin students are so welcoming. 



Richard Lim '27 (he/him)

家乡: 新加坡

大/小: Computer Science and Math major, Psychology minor

买球平台活动: ResLife的RA, 测试碗, psychology research at the lexicon lab, 乒乓球俱乐部, Chinese students association

为什么买球平台? When applying to college, I really liked the interdisciplinary nature of the liberal arts experience, and how I get to engage deeply with multiple disciplines and have each discipline inspire work in another. Now that I am here, I would say that the people are the best part about Bowdoin. The people here are impressive but humble, appreciative of others' perspectives, 而且很有同理心.

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扎克Marchese '25 (he/him)

家乡: Northborough,马

大/小: Economics Major, Mathematics Minor

买球平台活动: Co-President, Bowdoin Finance Society. 高级代理人. 导游. 高级官. 住在巴克斯特公寓. Catholic Student Union Member. Sophomore Bootcamp Finance Coach. 大学男子田径赛 & 字段(2021 - 2024).

为什么买球平台? Bowdoin is extremely well-rounded. I am constantly reminded that Bowdoin cares about helping us grow as people, in addition guiding our academic journey. From the classroom experience, 住房, 餐厅, 就业中心, extracurricular activities, and everything in-between, I saw myself developing into the best version of myself at Bowdoin. I am pleased to say as a senior, I believe Bowdoin remains steadfast in its commitment to an unmatched 4-year college experience.



Bao Bao Nguyen '27 (he/him)

家乡: 法尔茅斯,我

大/小: Biochemistry, Economics

买球平台活动: 买球平台划船, College House Committee Leader (Boody-Johnson), 买球平台东方, Pre-Health/Pre-Dental Club, 招生指南, 校内的足球, Avid quad spikeball player

为什么买球平台? I knew I wanted to attend a school with a close-knit environment where I knew my teachers and 同学们 very well because that was where I thrived in high school, and I learned Bowdoin would be the perfect place. 我的教授, 同学们, and friends here are electric, and I was drawn from the moment I set foot on campus I'd find that here. 
